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Welcome to Year 2!

Our class teacher is Miss Bowler and our teaching assistant is Miss Swift, Mrs Williams also teaches our class on some days.

In Year 2 we aim to provide children with an exciting curriculum which covers a range of stimulating topics, skills and experiences. Children have the opportunity to learn from first hand experiences and from researching using books and ICT.  Children are encouraged to become independent learners but will also have the opportunity to work in pairs, small groups and as a class. 

This year:

• PE is on a Tuesday with Mr Hatton.  

• Music is on a Wednesday with Mrs Brocklehurst.


We read every day in our daily Phonics lessons in year 2. We also aim to listen to each child read 1:1 at least once a week. Therefore, please ensure reading books and record are sent into school every day.

Your child will have their reading book changed at least once a week. At this age, the value of listening to your child read at home is invaluable. Please sign your child’s reading diary each day you have listened to them read.

What we will learn this term;


English – In Year 2 we continue to use ‘Mighty Writer’ to plan and scaffold our writing ideas. Our first unit of writing uses the story ‘Penguin in Peril’ by Helen Hancocks as a stimulus for narrative writing.

Maths – We begin the year by focusing on Number and Place Value and Addition and Subtraction Units. Within this we focus on the value of numbers up to 100 and strategies for addition and subtraction within 100. There is also a big emphasis on mastering counting forwards, backwards and in 2, 5, 10’s and on quick recall of number facts within 10.

Science – This term we cover both a Biology Unit on Healthy Eating and how to keep our bodies healthy and a Physics Unit looking at materials and their everyday uses. Each unit will also build on developing our investigate skills alongside our knowledge of the topic.

History – This half term, we will begin with a historical unit all about ‘Flight’. We will identify important events surrounding the history of flight, learning how they have changed the lives of others. We will ask questions and use primary resources to find out about significant people and events linked to this topic.

Geography – This term our unit ‘London, Our Capital’ is the vehicle through which we develop our geographical understanding of places, human and physical features and our fieldwork skills.

Art – Our first unit ‘Map it Out’ links with our Geography Unit and develops our craft and design knowledge and skills. We will have the opportunity to create maps in a variety of different ways.

DT – This term we make our own ‘Moving Monsters’ in our Mechanisms Unit.

RE (Religious Education) - Over the year we discover and explore the religious beliefs, traditions and customs linked to; Christians and Muslims. This term focuses on – ‘Who is a Muslim and how do they live?  

The children also have weekly PE, computing, music and PSHRE lessons.

Keep an eye on our page for updates of work we do in class!

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Year 2 End of Year Curriculum Expectations

Please click on the link to see the key learning expectations from the  National Curriculum for Year 2.

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