St Hugh's Church

Unusually for a school, the Parish church is housed inside the school building! We open the Church up, which is located in the school hall, for weekly Assemblies and for special Parish celebrations such as St Hugh's Day.
St Hugh's Church is one of three churches in the Parish of Leesfield. The congregation from the sister churches of St Thomas and St Agnes come and join us when we have our special Sunday services.
You can find out more about the Parish churches here:
St Hugh's Day November
The Annual St Hugh's Day service takes place at school on the weekend nearest the 17th November. It is always delightful to welcome friends from the Leesfield parish, from St Thomas' and St Agnes' as well as children, families and staff from St Hugh's.
Please see below the extracts from a St Hugh's Day Sermon:
"Today is St Hugh’s day. This community of St Hugh’s has been here for 63 years, and the parish of Leesfield gathers in this place on the Sunday nearest to St Hugh’s Day as is our tradition. This year it falls on a Sunday so we can be here on the actual day…
This is a special place. Very few churches are within school buildings, and most that are exist because a church building has become unviable and the school is used instead. But this community has been the church and school since it was built. I know there have been changes to the building over the years, many of you will know more about than I do. The church used to have its own full time priest, this became a part-time post and now the priest of St Thomas also has responsibility for St Hugh’s as well as St Agnes…
We know about our St Hugh, the saint to whom this church and school are dedicated. Hugh of Lincoln. Born in France, in the 12th century, became bishop of Lincoln in 1186. Certainly a good man. Cared for lepers, opposed antisemitism. A diplomat but one who would speak out against injustices.
Hugh's primary emblem is a white swan, in reference to the story of the swan of Stow which had a deep and lasting friendship with the saint, even guarding him while he slept. The swan would follow him about, and was his constant companion while he was at Lincoln. Hugh loved all the animals in the monastery gardens, especially a wild swan that would eat from his hand and follow him about and yet the swan would attack anyone else who came near Hugh.
He is patron saint of children, especially sick children, shoemakers and swans.
I do wonder how our St Hugh’s acquired the dedication……Lincoln is a long way away, and we don’t have any swans (though we do use the logo)
However, it is appropriate in many ways – the care for children, the respect for every individual.
I think it worthwhile to quote from the report on the schools SIAMs inspection, which took place in May (and of which we are very proud):
“St Hugh’s has a clear faith vision based on shared Christian values. This vision is aspirational, inclusive and loving. It underpins everything the school does and ensures that everyone feels welcomed. One parent summed this up by saying, ‘The school meets the needs of all families and has a real sense of community.’ The vision is also reflected in the provision the school makes for the diverse needs of individual pupils. Pupils’ behaviour is also strongly influenced by the Christian vision and is based upon forgiveness and reconciliation. Pupils feel safe and valued, understanding the impact of their behaviour on others. The school’s distinctive Christian ethos supports staff as is demonstrated by the many ways they feel valued and appreciated. The positive approach to equality and valuing difference means that everyone in the school family is treated with dignity and respect.” "