News and Events 2021-22
Year 5 and 6 end of year performance
On Friday 15th July the children in Year 5 and 6 performed in their end of year play - STAR WORTS - THE UMPIRE STRIKES BACK. The standard of singing and performing was superb and it was enjoyed by all.
Reception stay and play and end of year event to share learning with parents
On the 15th July the parents were invited into the Reception class to celebrate the learning and achievements from the year. It was lovely to see so many parents and carers attend and the children loved sharing and discussing their learning with them.
Year 3 visit to the Library July 2022
Year 3 had an amazing visit to our local library. They engaged with book quizzes and scavenger hunts and were excited to all receive their own library card so that they can visit in the holidays and choose more winderful books.
Sports Week 2022
We were delighted to be able to invite larger groups of parents back into school for our sports days. Thank you to all the staff for organising, leading and supporting this event, and thank you parents for coming and watching and cheering on the children. The children really enjoyed themselves and it was the first opportunity to complete in our new house teams.
Early Years and KS1 Sports Day July 2022
KS2 Sports Day July 2022
Jubilee celebrations May 2022
The school held many activites and events to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. We had a party lunch, whole school picnic, assemblies and activities in class. Just a few images are below:
Bailey and Turbo meet
It seemed as if the school was turning into a petting zoo in May. Mrs Parkinson's tortoise called 'Turbo' visited Year 2. The children really enjoyed learning about him. However Bailey was not sure what to make of this new addition to the school for the day!!
Sporting success for the girls lower KS2 football team
We were very proud of the superb team work and sportsmanship from our girls football team in May. They won the lower KS2 trophy at the cluster sports event. Well done ladies!
Oldham Choral Speaking Festival March 2022
Congratulations to the Year 4 children who won the Lower Key Stage 2 trophy at the Oldham Choral Speaking Festival. They performed Writer Rap-Rap by Tony Mitton and The Book by Michael Rosen. The Adjudicator said:
"This was an excellent choice of poetry. The rap was particularly good with visually interesting movement and gestures, well synchronised with varied pace throughout."
Below are some pictures from the 25th May when Mr Garvin Crabtree, President of Rotary Oldham Metro, came into school to award the trophy.
On the 7th March the Year 3 and 4 children visited Oldham Coliseum to participate in Oldham Choral Speaking Competition. See extracts of their performances below:
Arts week and World Book Day
This Year, rather than holding one book day, we had an Arts Week in school where we celebrated all of the Arts from Dance to Music, Poetry to Painting and Reading to Drama.
Below are some of the pictures from the week where we enjoyed art, music, dance, poetry, drama, reading and writing activites. Our highlights of the week included a live workshop with Michael Rosen on World Book Day, staff reading poems and stories to other classes and a wonderful singing performance from Years 5 and 6.
Actions have consequences workshops - February 2022
In February we were very lucky to have a visit for a day from Officer Paul McGovern MBE and the Neighbourhood Policing Team to talk to the children in KS2 about 'Actions having consequences'. The focus of the workshops was anti-social behaviour, bullying and the consequences of crime. The sessions were engaging and fun with an important message.
Hathershaw Cluster Dance Event - January 2022
Our fabulous team of dancers participated in the Hathershaw cluster dance event in January. They learned a new routine and performed excellently, coming joint first overall.

Christmas 2021
Nursery and Reception
Year 1 and 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Follow the Star Prayer workshops
On Tuesday 7th November Reverand Mother Amy Elizabeth and Mrs Owens visited our school to lead 'Follow the Star' workshops for all of the children. This was a lovely morning in school where the children reflected, throught about all their 'blessings' and reflected on the Christmas story. Below are some pictures from a few of the sessions.
Year 6 Heart Dissection Lesson
As part of their topic of the circulatory system, Year 6 dissected lamb hearts. See below some pictures from the super lesson and some of their follow up learning.
Able Maths Day
In Novermber 6 members of our Year 6 class visited Holden Clough school in Tameside to participate in an able maths day with Liz Gibbs. They worked really hard and were a credit to the school. They learned about algebra and practiced their reasoning skills.
St Hugh's Day 16th November 2021
The 16th November is St Hugh's Day. To mark the event this year, Reverend Amy led a beautiful Act of Worship. Each class contributed towards the Act of Worship with prayers, poems, written work or art work.
Armistice Day 11th November 2021
Thank you to Mr Bennett for playing the last post this morning before we observed our silence for Remembrance Day. Well done to Reception for some lovely work too.
Harvest 2021
On October 12th we had our Harvest Assembly in school. This was a wonderful celebration with each class contributing a song, picture or prayer. We even had a Harvest Shanty!.
Thank you to all of the school community for the wonderful and very generous donations. The class council meetings discussed where the children would like the school to donate the harvest goods, and they unanimously voted for Oldham food bank.
Year 5 and 6 visit to RobinWood October 2021
Some of our Year 5 and 6 children visited Robinwood in October to participate in an outdoor pursuits weeked.
Please see below photographs of the weekend. The children had a wonderful time and really showed amazing team work and problem solving. Many also conquered their fear of heights. We were very proud of their excellent manners and conduct all weekend.
Welcome to Bailey! Our new school reading dog
Welcome to our newest member of staff - Bailey!!
We are really lucky to have a reading dog in school.